Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 2008

Random Kid Pictures from the Month of April

Deirdre - 26 months and Lorien- 7 months. Deirdre who would never wear hats, suddenly wants to all of the time because she sees Lorien doing it. Sometimes jealousy works in the parents favor....

More crazy hat babies. Lorien looking particularly pleased.

Lorien showing her stuff on the carpet. Soon she will be crawling. Her hair is still very much crazy.

Lorien the little blond beauty.

Deirdre helping Papa and Mama with "The Great Leaf Removal of 2008," as it will be known. Having Lorien born right before the Fall of 2007 put us a little behind, ahem, in our yardwork and upkeep around the house.

Lorien all smiles in her excersaucer during "The Great Leaf Removal of 2008."

Deirdre being more cute then effective in her raking. Oh well, she tried.

Jen Part II

Lorien waking up from her nap.

Cinderella or "Cin-Der-Rwellwa" as Deirdre says.

Nathan and Jen, or Deirdre and Lorien?

Mama finally gets the girls to sit still for a few seconds...

Deirdre not cooperating too well, Lorien looks like she is having fun though!

Deirdre showing me what "Thomas" looks like on her sippy cup. I assure you her impression is very accurate as she practices it several times a day.

Lorien caught in the act. Right before this picture was shot, and immediately after this picture, Lorien's battle cry rang as she attacked her tiger. It happens. He had it coming to him.

To say this picture disturbs me is an understatement WHO TAUGHT HER THIS?


Rebekah said...

Oh my goodness...that last picture!!??!! :) WATCH OUT! :)

Rebekah said...

Those pictures are adorable! I love the matching outfits and the hats! So CUTE!! You guys make some adorable kids... :)

Niki said...

Just found your blog! :) Great pictures! You have two gorgeous daughters there, that is for sure!